Executive Marketers
in Pixie Technologies in Lagos
Industry ICT / Telecommunications
Specialization Sales / Marketing / Bus. Dev.
Minimum Qualification HND
Required Experience 1 - 3 years
Application Deadline 2011-12-03
Job Description
A private owned Web Services Company based in Lagos, Nigeria called PIXIE TECHNOLOGIES.
We have over the year focused our All our expertise is on creating web design and application deployment for individuals and organisations of any size, regardless of their business area and budget.
Our core specialities are Web Design and Redesign, Web Application Development, eCommerce Solutions, Web Hosting Services, Domain Name Registration, Website Maintenance Services, Creative Designs, Intranet and Extranet, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation and Promotional Services.
There is one other service called PIXIEBULKSMS operated by Pixie technology. It is a web based mobile communications platform that allows you to send text messages from your computer to literally thousands of mobile phones at once and provides customers with a secure, simple, dependable, high capacity messaging platform to over 600 networks worldwide. And most valuable customers are churches, NGOs, corporate organisations, researchers, schools....
Job Title: Executive Marketers
Location: Lagos
Job Summary
As advertised, we are looking for vibrant marketer who has ability to create leverage and deliver on target at will. We wouldn’t say your monthly target is N100, 000 or N2m but we believe you can achieve your dream based on what you set for yourself. In other words, you’re working for us as a freelance marketer.
Obviously, we want to see you succeed and be boss of your own, So,
- Develop your own market as wish and give feedback when necessary.
- As our marketer you are to sell our products and services at stipulated prices.
- Of course, training about our products and services and other support will be given.
- Finally, no salary is given but an agreed percentage as commission as a reward of partnering with us.
Working Conditions
Therefore, you have option of either market website services or bulk SMS or both for the company.
We pay 15% commission for selling our website services (website design, application
development, portal, eCommerce site, software engineering…).
While we pay 7% commission for bulk SMS service.
Kindly visit www.pixie-technologies.com and www.pixiebulksms.com to study more about our products and services and let us know if you are to become one of our freelance marketer.
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